Ashley and Nick

I have known Ashley for at least a dozen (if not more) years. She is like a daughter to me. Over time, I’ve watched her mature and overcome many life challenges. When Ashley told me she was getting married, I knew the groom had to be something special. I met Nick just once and I […]

Nina and Brandon

Nina and Brandon were married on November 10, 2018. The wedding was held at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Ambridge, PA and included a traditional Orthodox Christian ceremony. We all watched the exchange of wedding crowns, sharing of the common cup, and walking around the matrimonial altar three times. It was beautiful. Kelly Lester […]

Planning a Barn or Outdoor Wedding? Consider the Weather.

When it’s October in Pittsburgh, Pa, the temperatures here can range from 50 or 60 degrees during the day and into the freezing temperatures by nightfall. Blink and the weather will change- this is Pittsburgh! It is also a city where if you are planning an outdoor event you must factor in the weather. We […]

Elissa and Tyler are Married!

I first met Elissa five summers ago when she modeled for a shoot we were doing for my website. It was the launch of my business and I never forgot what she did for me. When she announced her engagement, I practically begged her to let me be her Day of Wedding coordinator! I wanted […]